Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review 1

Now that we've (hopefully) created our first drafts, we can review and improve them. We just peer-reviewed them, which was extremely helpful. I reviewed Tianna's project, which can be found here. The rubric I made for it can be found here.

What did I learn from it?

Reading Tianna's project actually sparked a few ideas on how I can set up my project more effectively and avenues I can take to present information that I hadn't tried before. I'm really behind on my project, and that was made extremely obvious when I read Tianna's project. Her information is incredibly detailed and made me feel like I don't know as many things about my controversy as  I should. I do like the picture on my project at least ...XD

2 bad things, 2 good things:

A few things that Tianna did that I would like to avoid included form mostly. Her graph seemed slightly random in its appearance, so I would like to structure mine very carefully. She also (this sounds picky and no one else would probably have an issue with it) made one of her paragraphs super long, and I had a hard time with it because it was full of facts and I don't do numbers well. With it being long, I was automatically put on defense because it was going to bombard me with facts.

SHE HAD SO MUCH GOOD INFO. I need to find more useful facts, and I had a few ideas of how to do that while I was reading. I also liked how she placed the complimentary opinions one after the other so you can understand both sides at once instead of having it be spaced out.

Kim Jong-Un clapping
petersnoopy "Kim Jong-Un Clapping" 5/18/2012 via Geografi-Tjek. Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 Generic Licensing.

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