Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

I have been looking at my pronoun use because of the last post and have come to some conclusions. This has led me to a few conclusions that I'm about to discuss in like 2.6 seconds.

How do I use pronouns?

Well, considering the fact that I can count the pronouns I used in my project in my hands, I'd say I don't use them very much. I can't decide if this is effective or not though. I hope it's a good thing, because I simply refer to a person by their name to ensure the audience knows who I'm talking about. I feel like this is important because I used smaller paragraphs, and if I start talking about someone else, the audience needs to be able to follow that. I can see how that would be a problem though.

Do I ever speak directly to the audience?

I treated my QRG a lot the same as a blog post in the sense that I use questions to head my sections. I think this is a way of talking to the audience, because who else would I be talking to if I'm asking a question in the middle of a piece of writing? Like right there, I just used a question and it's obviously directed at the person reading this post. I feel like there are other instances where I could probably better involve the audience in the story I'm telling, or talk more directly to them, but I haven't quite figured out how to do that with a QRG.

Ananian "Two young people demonstrating a lively conversation" 2/26/2014 via Wikimedia. Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licensing.

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