Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

Well, I'm gonna lay out exactly how I feel about my project. No worries, I won't cuss or anything...maybe...(I'm kidding, I don't swear, but sometimes I wish I did.)

How do I feel about my project?

Honestly? I hate it. I hate everything about it. I love the story and I enjoyed researching it, but I feel like I was so emotionally involved in the story and how much I enjoyed learning about it that I had the HARDEST time staying objective. I also hated that I couldn't use my "essay voice" because I think it's so fun to use long words. It's one of my favorite things. I used to read dictionaries for fun. So I feel like I hit a 'happy medium' point for vocabulary use when you compare my real voice vs my essay voice. Which SUCKS. I don't feel like it is entertaining to read, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to make it entertaining and informative at the same time. I ended up just taking out huge chunks of texts which probably did more harm than help. But I couldn't figure it out. I really needed to let myself be loose with it, and I couldn't do it. It's weird though, because I don't have much trouble making these blog posts sound like myself at all....*shrug*

What were my project's "weak ankles"? (please tell me you got the Hercules reference..)

The timeline was definitely underdeveloped I feel like. I couldn't find anything stating what the budget ended up being, and I couldn't find any information to find out if the proposed budget was actually used, so it was difficult to say things turned out in any way. I also feel like the voice was poorly constructed. I definitely should've made it more entertaining, but I struggled with that (see the above rant for evidence in case you forgot).

Jeepers Misther you're really strong! (strong points of the project )

I feel like the convention use is pretty strong. I tried to follow exactly what a QRG is, including the rhetorical questions. I even used them to help structure my project. I would've probably struggled more with the conventions of a video essay.

How were my time management skills?

I. Suck. So. Bad. At. Time. Management.
Literally the worst part of the project for me. I feel like I didn't put in nearly the amount of time that I should've and it's hit me like a ton of bricks. I hate that I hate my project, but I do. I hate that I have been scrambling to finish on the weekends when I'm supposed to be having fun. I've screwed myself over so many times for this project.


I'm excited to try and do better for the next project. It's been actually kinda nice to have an actual challenge. And even though I feel like I failed in a lot of it, I know I'm becoming better. That's a nice feeling in and of itself. I'm happy that I've had this learning experience even though it's been hard to recognize how crappy I've been recently. I enjoy the opportunity to get better.

PublicDomainPictures "Sunrise Sky Blue Sunlight Clouds Dawn Horizon" 7/21/2013 via Pixabay. Public Domain licensing.

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