Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interview Subjects

In this blog post I'm going to present a lot of information about two of my interview subjects. I've already done two of my interviews, so those are the people I'm going to write about. I have an interview coming up (I hope) with someone who I'm actually extremely excited to talk to (probably more than anyone else), but she hasn't gotten back to me about which day she wants to Skype.

My First Interview Subject

Name: Linda Norrix, PhD

What she does, and who she does it for: Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona, and a Pediatric Audiologist at Tucson Medical Center.

Level of degree, and where from: PhD from the University of Arizona

Years in the field: 14

Professional Website(s):

Date, Time, Location of Interview: Thursday, February 25, at 1:15pm in the Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Building, Room 405D

Interview Questions:

1. In your own words, how would you describe what it is that you do?
2. What are the most common genres you regularly write in?
3. Since you're writing reports, is the audience you're writing for generally a pediatrician?
4. Since you're writing to pediatricians and the families that want the information you're providing, do you find it difficult to find a balance between writing for a professional and a family member?
5. Which writing genre do you think is your favorite?
6. Do you struggle with time management while you're writing reports or articles?
7. Have you seen a big change in the way doctors write reports in your field during the course of your career?
8. What tools do you rely on while you're writing?
9. Where do you get the templates you use for writing clinical reports?

My Second Interview Subject

Name: Carole Wymer

What she does, and who she does it for: Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona

Level of degree, and where from: Master's Degree from the University of Arizona

Years in the field: almost 9 years

Professional Website:

Date, Time, Location of Interview: Thursday, February 25, at 2:00 over the phone

Interview Questions:

1. In your own words, what exactly is it that you do?
2. What genres do you find yourself using in your profession?
3. Who do you write for?
4. Do you ever find it difficult to combine the writing style you use for your reports?
5. Has the style of writing that you use while writing your reports changed over the course of your career?
6. What tools do you use when you're writing, verses the tools that your students use?
7. Do you think that access to the internet has changed how you write?
8. What would a student need to be preparing for or need to know when entering your field, in terms of writing?

MFA Bulgaria "Bulgarian journalist Gabriela Naplatanova taking an interview" 3/10/2008 via Wikimedia. Attribution 2.0 Generic licensing.

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