Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

Seems like we've finished the last draft of our projects, so I'm gonna be posting a link to that. I'll also be talking about what I hope the peer reviewers keep in without further ado: the fine cut of my project.

What my reviewers should know:

I really struggled with figuring out the voice of my project. I didn't know how strictly we had to follow the Standard College Essay genre conventions, since I thought they had to be without first-person accounts entirely. A lot of the examples I've read from the class website and the ones we've read in class have portions where the author talked about an experience from their past. I ended up not doing that, since I was struggling to have my personal experience work with the flow of my project. If anyone decides to review my project at this point, I'd appreciate it if they could comment on that aspect. If I needed to put a personal experience in it, I'd still like to know that I should have done that, even though it's too late at this point. But I am already aware that my 'voice' in the project is lacking depth.

What are the weaknesses of said project?

I honestly think there are a ton of weaknesses in my project. Unlike when I did the podcast, I didn't feel like I reached my full potential with this project. I didn't know I liked working with audio as much as I did, so I think this project just went back to the monotony of school for me. It shouldn't have, because I have more creative freedom than most professors would give me, but I still felt that way. I couldn't help it. I think my project also is really struggling in the voice area, as previously mentioned. It could've been written with more of a lack of firm control over the sentence structure. I have always liked writing papers because I like that I can use a more extensive vocabulary than is socially acceptable in vocal conversation. I don't feel like that's what we're supposed to be aiming toward in this class though. So I struggled to find a balance. I have struggled with that balance since the first project. It also could have been longer and gotten into more detail on some fronts.

What strengths does my project have?

I honestly love the main points of my project. I feel like it just makes logical sense. I used a few different approaches in how I presented my information, but the information I was presenting was exciting to me. I loved the points I had. I think the logic in my paper flowed really well and made sense. I don't think there was much more I could have done in that arena. I also think my intro is very strong. I feel like it captures the reader's attention fairly quickly.

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