Friday, April 29, 2016

Content Outline

We're now beginning work on Project 4, aka the Final Project. In order to do that, we have to have an outline of how our projects are going to work. I've been working on my Content Outline and I'm going to put it in this blog post.

Content Outline


-start with an alarm going off to grab attention
-write the title of the video over the alarm going off

-talk about time during the day
-introduce poor handling of it


-when I have a ton to do, I end up doing none of it
-this makes me stressed
-I shut down
-I think of a million other things I could be doing other than assignments
-show pictures of eating, doing chores, grocery shopping, etc.
-I have to rush to finish projects on time at the last minute
-I'm not allowing myself to fully think through things
-my interest in my project goes way down
-my projects end up living up to a fraction of the potential they had
-ideas collapse
-my writing process is rushed and not fully thought through

-I haven't always been like this
-I used to be a huge perfectionist
-I'd pick school over friends and socializing any day
-might be because I'm an introvert
-I'd go above and beyond project requirements (when acceptable)

-then college happened
-away from home
-own choices
-wait, now I have friends?
-new responsibilities from living alone (cook, clean, etc.)
-so many choices and changes


-writing has been harmed
-not very good at time management
-kinda screwed self over

-hoping to grow
-introduce hope
-slight betterment
-not a total wreck
-learned from first year
-if we don't learn from mistakes, we'll keep making them
-ready to start anew

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