Friday, April 29, 2016

Production Report 14a

I haven't quite figured out how to take portions of my project and post them separately, and it's a video. So I just decided to copy the text from my video onto a blog post. But I'll be sharing a portion of my project and talking about it.

Outline Item:

Second Body Paragraph
-I haven't always been like this
-I used to be a huge perfectionist
-I'd pick school over friends and socializing any day
-might be because I'm an introvert
-I'd go above and beyond project requirements (when acceptable

Adaptation of Outline Item:

"I haven't always been a procrastinator. I used to be on top of everything. I was a huge perfectionist. I would do homework from the second I got home until I was finished. I didn't feel the need to stop and do other things, because school work was fun for me. I also didn't have to choose between homework and having a social life. I just would always pick homework. Friends took a backburner. I'm introverted, though, so I enjoyed being by myself. I would do homework until the projects and homework were perfect. It was the complete opposite of what I'm like now."

How did I use Form and Conventions?

You  can't tell from this excerpt, but I'm making my project a video essay, and I've decided to use a program that draws pictures in the background while I'm talking. It's gonna be fun to edit that once it's all together. The only thing I've really done at this point is that section. But I wanted to present it in an entertaining way that would keep the audience's attention after I'd captured it. The conventions for a video essay involve making the information readily available for the audience. The conventions for this genre are more loose than other genres. It let me have more creativity with the presentation.

How did the production go?

To be honest, it took a while to get even this far. I had NO idea what direction I wanted to go with this project. I knew I wanted to talk about my time management skills, or lack thereof, but other than that, I had nothing. I also didn't want to ask anyone for help, because I have a hard time with that, so I had to rule out any ideas I had with asking roommates for help or any of my other friends. Plus, everyone else is crazy busy with finals coming up. My best friend helped me mold some of my ideas into a working plan though. Which was extremely helpful. I'm super excited about the direction my project is going in now.

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