Monday, May 9, 2016

Production Report 8b

I've now finished adapting the conclusion of my project form outline form to the real deal. I've recorded it, but as I'm unsure as how to put audio clips on here, I'll just post the text of what I said on the recording. I'll also describe the differences between the outline and the remade form.

Outline Item:

  • Touch back on the examples we looked at
  • Discuss the differences between the two and what would go into making them
  • Finishing sentence that leaves the audience both satisfied but slightly wanting more. Like a good movie that you enjoyed and didn’t leave you at a cliffhanger, but you would totally watch it again.
  • Catchy tune plays the podcast out.


Adaptation of Outline Item:


So now we’ve looked at a genre of writing for an accent reduction specialist, a Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences researcher, and a speech pathologist. Hopefully you’ve gotten more of a taste for what types of writing genres these careers use most often. I know I’ve definitely learned that there is much more of a logistic world to this field of work than I realized. It’s extremely necessary though. If a clinical write-up isn’t made after any type of work with a patient, no one will know what has already been done with a patient or what’s going on, and they won’t know where to go from there. It’s crucial that the practitioner is extremely thorough. It’s also crucial that the author/authors of a research article are thorough and don’t involve emotion in their presentation of experiment results. They need to keep things clear and concise for anyone using their findings for well….anything. On the other side of that, a speech pathologist writing an exercise for a parent will need to make their appeals mainly emotional. A parent wants to do what’s best for their child because they love them and want them to be happy.

How did I use Form/Conventions?

I used a catchy tune to play out the conclusion, and I made sure that the information was summed up adequately and efficiently. I thought it was a good summary to what was going on, and it successfully brought the listener to understand the exact points I was trying to make.
The sound effects and music at the end, as well as a playoff, helped me keep the information light and not to blunt for the listener. I decided to make sure the information wasn't ending in the way an essay does because of the conventions of the podcast genre.

How did the production go?

I found this part to be much easier than the introduction in that there weren't as many sound effects. It was easy to put together, and I had fun while I was doing it. I didn't think much of this project was hard, it was just time consuming. I honestly wasn't expecting it to take as long as it did.

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