Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15a

Editing editing editing.....I'll be talking about the changes I've made to my final project recently, since apparently that's what these blog posts are for. I'll be posting the original versions, and the changes I've made. I still have yet to figure out how I can take snippets of my video, so I'll just be posting the text from it.

Selection From Rough Cut:

I manage time in the worst way possible: I don’t. For example, when I have something important to do, I am really good at coming up with a million other things that I need to do instead. I spend all my time doing random tasks that have nothing to do with what I need to get done. This has become a problem this semester. I started pushing my blog work and projects to the end of the list of things I should be doing.
This makes the quality of my projects go WAY down, because I end up rushing to do them last minute. all of a sudden I’m not interested in the project, so it’s just another thing that’s taking my time. I don’t end up thinking things through fully as I’m frantically pulling things together. At that point I’m just a raging ball of stress and lack of sleep.

Re-edited Selection:

I manage time in the worst way possible: I don’t. I can waste endless amounts of it. For example, when I have something important to do, I am really good at coming up with a million other things that I could be doing instead. I spend all my time doing random tasks that have nothing to do with what I need to get done. This has become an extreme issue this semester. I started pushing my blog work and projects to the end of the list of things I should be doing.
As can be expected, this makes the quality of my projects go WAY down, because I end up rushing to do them last minute. all of a sudden I’m not interested and invested in the project, so it’s just another thing that’s taking my time. I don’t end up thinking things through fully as I’m frantically pulling things together. At that point I’m just a raging ball of stress and lack of sleep.

How did the content change?

I added a sentence at the beginning that said, "I can waste endless amounts of it", because I felt like it blended the two ideas better. I changed the word "problem" to "extreme issue" because the strength of it felt better. I also changed "need to be doing" to "could be doing" because it gives my actions more ambiguity. I added "As can be expected" to the last paragraph, because it makes that portion less abrupt.

How did the Form Change?

I didn't change the form much, except for the pictures. I had to change pictures to fit the changing audio which became problematic. I had to spend a ton of time editing the actual video though. It was horrible and extremely time-consuming. I think the change in my setup of the project (form) was helpful because the information is more clearly accessible now.


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