Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

LAST EDITORIAL REPORT EVER!!! ...If you can't tell, I'm stoked. Just a little...;) But I'm gonna be posting probably the conclusion section of my project. It'll be the text of the audio from my video.

Selection from Rough Cut:

I just feel like I learned a lot this semester, and I got better at recognizing when I need to be better. Did I make mistakes? Absolutely. Am I hoping to grow from them? Without a doubt. I mean, if we don’t make mistakes, how are we supposed to grow? Well, if we don’t LEARN from our mistakes, rather. Because otherwise we’ll just keep making mistakes.
So I have hope. Lots of it. I have hope that I’m better than I was before, and I intend to keep living like that. Growing and becoming a better person every day.

Re-edited Selection:

I used to think I was a good writer. I don’t really know anymore. I’ve let myself fall off the time management wagon. Just not a skill I worked on possessing this semester. And I’ll be honest, it kinda screwed me over
Wow, that could’ve sounded brutal.
I promise I’m not making an entire video about how much I suck.
I just feel like I learned a lot this semester, and I got better at recognizing when I need to be better. Did I make mistakes? Absolutely. Am I hoping to grow from them? Without a doubt. I mean, if we don’t make mistakes, how are we supposed to grow? Well, if we don’t LEARN from our mistakes, rather. Because otherwise we’ll just keep making mistakes.
So I have hope. Lots of it. I have hope that I’m better than I was before, and I intend to keep living like that. Growing and becoming a better person every day.

How did the Content Change?

I added a beginning section that talks about being a writer. I felt like it pulled more of the actual purpose of the project into it. It probably added to how well I was following both the genre conventions, and the project guidelines.

How did the Form Change?

After adding the beginning portion of the conclusion, it changed the form in the sense that it brought more of the  project guidelines into it. I needed more actual content that related to writing, rather than just procrastinating, and it did that. It made the body paragraphs flow better with the conclusion as well. In the actual video, I even changed the music right at this point.

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