Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Rhiannon Bauer

I have now gone to a student in a different section and done a peer review of their project 2. I'll be talking about the comment I left on her project during this here blog post. (kinda hoping you read that in a southern accent...)

Peer review for who? And what did I talk about?

This peer review was for someone not in our section, so I did it for Rhiannon Bauer, who is in the 11:00 section. Her podcast can be found by following this link.

The activity I chose to do for the review of her project was on Form. I talked about how effectively it uses the appropriate genre conventions.

How do I think I helped?

Since I talked about the form of her project, and how well it followed the genre conventions of a podcast, I think it probably helped a ton. Form is one of the main points of these projects that we've been doing, so it would be a shame for people to miss out on points based on something that is more simple to fix than a problem with the actual content of the project.

What did I apply, and how did I apply it?

I applied everything we've been talking about when it comes to the genre conventions of a podcast. We've gone over it multiple times in class, and every time it is discussed, it is made obvious that catchy music should be played at the beginning and the end. Rhiannon's rough draft didn't have this, so I brought it up to her in order to assist her in complying with all of the genre conventions.

What did I admire?

There were a TON of things I admired about Rhiannon's project. It was entertaining and informative all at the same time, and she used a great voice for the entire thing. I think that was probably what I took from it the most. Keeping the audience entertained is a huge part of writing, and she did that extremely well. I hope the voice I use in my podcast is as entertaining.

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