Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on Post Production for Project Dos

Whale....project two is done *fanfare*. So now I can talk about this last week of working on it. I'm gonna be completely honest for the entirety buckle up.

What were the successes?

Good idea.. start with the good news. I actually am very proud of the sound effects I put into my project. That, and the music. I was able to find music that I liked as the intro and as the background noise, so that was a huge plus. I really liked messing with the audio to make it sound the way I wanted it to. I didn't think that part was boring at all, which is nice.

What were the challenges?

Alas, I am still struggling with time management. I had all of my recordings done of my voice, but I didn't have any other audio until the night before it was due, and I found some sound effects only the morning of the due date. I literally am the worst in the world with time management. I do this every. single. time. And it's stupid. I really should be better at getting on top of things and doing them, but every part of my being is just so stressed out that it shuts down. On top of that, I wasn't doing very well at taking care of myself health that was swell. I just need to be better at getting on top of homework and doing it a little at a time so I don't have to freak out and set aside an entire day for homework and shut myself out from the world.

How do I think next week will go?

Well, I honestly think next week I'm going to procrastinate and do all of my work at the last minute....again. I really shouldn't, and if I really have learned anything, I won't. But I don't think I'm capable of turning around and getting on top of stuff next week. Any other week, sure. But I have a final next week (it's true, my math course is accelerated so we finish on Friday, YAY) and two huge projects due for Theatre as well.

How do I feel about the project?

To be completely honest, I think I followed all the conventions, and I made my podcast interesting ( I hope), but the only thing I'm worried about is the actual content at this point. I'm not sure it's exactly what we were supposed to be doing, but I followed what I perceived the instructions to be. Let's just hope my understanding wasn't skewed. *crosses fingers*
I just wish I had set aside more time to do things. Definitely my character flaw.

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