Monday, May 9, 2016

Production Report 8a

I've been working on my podcast, and I'll be posting the opening section in this blogpost. I don't know how to put the audio in here, so I'll be using the text rather than the actual sound. I'll be talking about how I changed it from outline form.

Outline Item

  • Open with a catchy tune that brings the listener to the edge of their figurative seat and leaves them asking “what is this magical project that has piqued the interest of the sound receptor cells in my ears?”
  • Speak in a voice that is not completely my voice because mine is boring. (no accents though, unfortunately) and start by bringing up the topic. i.e. : People are constantly writing. Simply walking down the street exposes you to countless examples of writing: Company advertisements. Street signs. Newspapers. Candy wrappers. But if you’re in the world of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, what makes those types of writing examples unique? What kinds of things would you be writing?

Adaptation of Outline Item

People are constantly writing. Simply walking down the street exposes you to countless examples of writing: Company advertisements. Street signs. Newspapers. Candy wrappers. There’s a different type of written style and genre for everything. If that weren’t the case, the world would be super boring. Luckily that isn’t the case, and there’s a bunch of different genres and styles of writing for any job a person has. Since I’m currently majoring in Speech, Language, and Hearing sciences, I wanted to know what types of writing genres a person in that line of work would use. The only problem? There’s an extremely long list of jobs and specialties a person with my major can have… In order to not bore anyone to death by talking for hours on end, I’ve narrowed down my research to a select few lines of work in the Speech, Language, and Hearing world.

How did I use form and Conventions?

I decided to utilize form by providing an introduction and making it prelude the rest of the project effectively. It's helpful in creating a hook at the beginning. This is helpful in creating a project that is both entertaining, but informative.
I utilized the conventions by making the beginning of the podcast interesting and entertaining. It has light music and sound effects when talking about the street part, which follows the audio conventions. I think this helps keep my project on par with the genre conventions, which makes it easier to listen to.

How did production go?

I personally thought this part of my project was the hardest to do, just because I involved so many different sound effects and editing. It was hard to keep my time balanced. I wasn't working as much on the actual content as I was the presentation of it. I was having fun though, so I enjoyed doing this portion of the project.


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