Monday, May 9, 2016

Production Report 11a

I've been working on the introduction to my third project, so I'll be talking about how it got from outline format to standard college essay format.

Outline Item:

-introduce a trip to the Louvre in an older time period.
-talk about viewing the art
-introduce a trip to the Louvre in 2016
-talk about the differences between the trips
-selfies with the paintings
-people want to document and brag
-narcissism is being exacerbated by social media

Adaptation of Outline Item:

Picture yourself taking a trip to the Louvre in 1950. You’re slowly strolling through the museum, and enjoying the artwork as much as you’d hoped. You even take a moment to enjoy the Mona Lisa, wondering just what she was really smiling about. Everyone else in the building seems to be under the same trance caused by the surrounding works of art. It’s a privilege just to be there, encompassed by so much mystery, beauty, and culture. Now picture yourself on the same outing, this time in the year 2016. Again, you slowly walk from painting to painting, enjoying the artwork. But this time, when you get to more famous pieces, such as the Mona Lisa, you pause to take a selfie. Everyone else around you is doing the same thing. You spend the same amount of time walking through the museum, but this time, instead of simply basking in the existence of the artwork, your first thought is to get proof of your trip so that you can post it on social media later that day. This is just one situation in which the effects of social media can be seen in today’s generation. Narcissism and narcissistic tendencies, such as going to a museum in order to post a picture of yourself with the artwork rather than to simply enjoy it, have been exacerbated by social media.


How did I use Form/Conventions?

Since I'm doing a standard college essay, I made the beginning of my project entertaining hooking. I felt it would better engage the audience right off the bat. It was a good way to make sure I had caught their attention while also introducing my topic.
On the conventions end, I had to make sure my opening paragraph had a hook and had a thesis statement. I wanted to follow the genre conventions as closely as possible. This also included not using the First Person Narrative. I had to change the way I spoke because of some of the conventions.

How did the production go?

The production of this portion was actually the easiest of the project. I had fun making it entertaining. I enjoy making papers serious and thoughtful, but I also enjoyed the opportunity to be creative. It was the most enjoyable portion of this project, without a doubt. I didn't really have any hiccups with it until I had to make sure that it contained a thesis statement, but that was more like a baby hiccup.

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