Monday, May 9, 2016

Project 3 Open Post to Peer Reviewers

I've finished my project 3, so now I'm ready to be reviewed. The link to my standard college essay can be found here.

Key Information

I wrote my third project about narcissism and the fact that social media is causing it. I'm not exactly sure what other key information I'm supposed to provide. the genre I used was a standard college essay.

Major Issues/Weaknesses

I feel like honestly the major issue I'm having right now is finding the voice I'm supposed to be using. I don't want to give a personal story, but it sounds like everyone in class is placing personal stories in their papers. I'm just not entirely sure which voice to use.

Major Virtues/Strengths

I feel like the organization of my project is the strongest point of it. I liked the ideas I was having about it, so I very much liked coming up with ways to express those ideas. I love that aspect of writing, so that was a very fun part of this project for me.

Production Report 11b

I've made a little more progress on my third project, so I'm going to copy and paste a portion of that essay into this blog post. I'm also going to compare it to the original outline version of it. It's the first body paragraph in this paper.

Outline Item:

 -definition of narcissism
-person will think of themselves first
-different than self-esteem
-talk about differences
-narcissism is based on fear of failure or weaknesses
-person exhibiting controlling behavior is struggling with fear of failure

Adaptation of Outline Item:

Narcissism has been defined as “inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity”(HarperCollins).  A person exhibiting narcissistic traits will think of themselves first in any given situation, and have a grandiose opinion of themselves. This is inherently different than self-esteem, on which our society is deeply predicated. Dr. Lisa Firestone has stated “The distinction between self-esteem and narcissism is of great significance on a personal and societal level. Self-esteem differs from narcissism in that it represents an attitude built on accomplishments we’ve mastered, values we’ve adhered to, and care we’ve shown toward others. Narcissism, conversely, is often based on a fear of failure or weakness, a focus on one’s self, an unhealthy drive to be seen as the best, and a deep-seated insecurity and underlying feeling of inadequacy.” This twist in reality can be hard to conceptualize, but it is seen time and time again. The person often exhibiting a controlling or superior behavior is struggling with the very thing they seem against. The bully in the movie always turns out to have an insecurity that caused him to be the way he is; he’s just trying to hide behind a mask.

How did I use form/conventions?

Since this was the first body paragraph of my paper, I made sure to include a definition of what I was talking about. I wanted to present my information right off the bat with me sounding like I knew what I was talking about. I also wanted to make sure to include transitional portions that connected this paragraph to the intro and to the paragraph that will follow.
Since I am working in the standard college essay genre, I had to make sure to closely follow the genre conventions for this paper. I made sure to present the definition with a reference, which I placed at the end of the paper under the Works Cited section. It made the project slightly more time consuming, but doable.

How did the Production go?

I found this paragraph to be slightly more difficult than the intro because I couldn't be as creative as I wanted to be. It was fine because this portion was meant to be informational, but I didn't really want to sound overly informative though. There comes a point where it's too much. I also took a long time in deciding that the definition should be there.

Project 2 Open Post to Peer Reviewers

I've finished project 2! Hopefully my post will include the sound file here, but here's my podcast!

Key Information

I don't really know what kind of key information to give anyone who looks at this, but I'm thinking I'll just tell you that there's a lot of sound effects and music and stuff. I talked about speech pathology, and the different writing genres found in that field.

Major Issues/Weaknesses

I'll be honest, I don't think the actual content I have in my podcast is all that great. I don't really know if I went into as much depth as I needed to go into. It was fun for me to do the project, but I spent more time working on the audio editing than I did writing the actual script.

Major Virtues/Strengths

I honestly think the actual audio aspect of my project is pretty awesome. I think the voice I used was fairly entertaining, and I really liked putting in sound effects and music. That was my favorite part, and I think I did really well. I decided that audio editing is something I didn't know I enjoyed doing.

Production Report 11a

I've been working on the introduction to my third project, so I'll be talking about how it got from outline format to standard college essay format.

Outline Item:

-introduce a trip to the Louvre in an older time period.
-talk about viewing the art
-introduce a trip to the Louvre in 2016
-talk about the differences between the trips
-selfies with the paintings
-people want to document and brag
-narcissism is being exacerbated by social media

Adaptation of Outline Item:

Picture yourself taking a trip to the Louvre in 1950. You’re slowly strolling through the museum, and enjoying the artwork as much as you’d hoped. You even take a moment to enjoy the Mona Lisa, wondering just what she was really smiling about. Everyone else in the building seems to be under the same trance caused by the surrounding works of art. It’s a privilege just to be there, encompassed by so much mystery, beauty, and culture. Now picture yourself on the same outing, this time in the year 2016. Again, you slowly walk from painting to painting, enjoying the artwork. But this time, when you get to more famous pieces, such as the Mona Lisa, you pause to take a selfie. Everyone else around you is doing the same thing. You spend the same amount of time walking through the museum, but this time, instead of simply basking in the existence of the artwork, your first thought is to get proof of your trip so that you can post it on social media later that day. This is just one situation in which the effects of social media can be seen in today’s generation. Narcissism and narcissistic tendencies, such as going to a museum in order to post a picture of yourself with the artwork rather than to simply enjoy it, have been exacerbated by social media.


How did I use Form/Conventions?

Since I'm doing a standard college essay, I made the beginning of my project entertaining hooking. I felt it would better engage the audience right off the bat. It was a good way to make sure I had caught their attention while also introducing my topic.
On the conventions end, I had to make sure my opening paragraph had a hook and had a thesis statement. I wanted to follow the genre conventions as closely as possible. This also included not using the First Person Narrative. I had to change the way I spoke because of some of the conventions.

How did the production go?

The production of this portion was actually the easiest of the project. I had fun making it entertaining. I enjoy making papers serious and thoughtful, but I also enjoyed the opportunity to be creative. It was the most enjoyable portion of this project, without a doubt. I didn't really have any hiccups with it until I had to make sure that it contained a thesis statement, but that was more like a baby hiccup.

Production Report 8b

I've now finished adapting the conclusion of my project form outline form to the real deal. I've recorded it, but as I'm unsure as how to put audio clips on here, I'll just post the text of what I said on the recording. I'll also describe the differences between the outline and the remade form.

Outline Item:

  • Touch back on the examples we looked at
  • Discuss the differences between the two and what would go into making them
  • Finishing sentence that leaves the audience both satisfied but slightly wanting more. Like a good movie that you enjoyed and didn’t leave you at a cliffhanger, but you would totally watch it again.
  • Catchy tune plays the podcast out.


Adaptation of Outline Item:


So now we’ve looked at a genre of writing for an accent reduction specialist, a Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences researcher, and a speech pathologist. Hopefully you’ve gotten more of a taste for what types of writing genres these careers use most often. I know I’ve definitely learned that there is much more of a logistic world to this field of work than I realized. It’s extremely necessary though. If a clinical write-up isn’t made after any type of work with a patient, no one will know what has already been done with a patient or what’s going on, and they won’t know where to go from there. It’s crucial that the practitioner is extremely thorough. It’s also crucial that the author/authors of a research article are thorough and don’t involve emotion in their presentation of experiment results. They need to keep things clear and concise for anyone using their findings for well….anything. On the other side of that, a speech pathologist writing an exercise for a parent will need to make their appeals mainly emotional. A parent wants to do what’s best for their child because they love them and want them to be happy.

How did I use Form/Conventions?

I used a catchy tune to play out the conclusion, and I made sure that the information was summed up adequately and efficiently. I thought it was a good summary to what was going on, and it successfully brought the listener to understand the exact points I was trying to make.
The sound effects and music at the end, as well as a playoff, helped me keep the information light and not to blunt for the listener. I decided to make sure the information wasn't ending in the way an essay does because of the conventions of the podcast genre.

How did the production go?

I found this part to be much easier than the introduction in that there weren't as many sound effects. It was easy to put together, and I had fun while I was doing it. I didn't think much of this project was hard, it was just time consuming. I honestly wasn't expecting it to take as long as it did.

Production Report 8a

I've been working on my podcast, and I'll be posting the opening section in this blogpost. I don't know how to put the audio in here, so I'll be using the text rather than the actual sound. I'll be talking about how I changed it from outline form.

Outline Item

  • Open with a catchy tune that brings the listener to the edge of their figurative seat and leaves them asking “what is this magical project that has piqued the interest of the sound receptor cells in my ears?”
  • Speak in a voice that is not completely my voice because mine is boring. (no accents though, unfortunately) and start by bringing up the topic. i.e. : People are constantly writing. Simply walking down the street exposes you to countless examples of writing: Company advertisements. Street signs. Newspapers. Candy wrappers. But if you’re in the world of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, what makes those types of writing examples unique? What kinds of things would you be writing?

Adaptation of Outline Item

People are constantly writing. Simply walking down the street exposes you to countless examples of writing: Company advertisements. Street signs. Newspapers. Candy wrappers. There’s a different type of written style and genre for everything. If that weren’t the case, the world would be super boring. Luckily that isn’t the case, and there’s a bunch of different genres and styles of writing for any job a person has. Since I’m currently majoring in Speech, Language, and Hearing sciences, I wanted to know what types of writing genres a person in that line of work would use. The only problem? There’s an extremely long list of jobs and specialties a person with my major can have… In order to not bore anyone to death by talking for hours on end, I’ve narrowed down my research to a select few lines of work in the Speech, Language, and Hearing world.

How did I use form and Conventions?

I decided to utilize form by providing an introduction and making it prelude the rest of the project effectively. It's helpful in creating a hook at the beginning. This is helpful in creating a project that is both entertaining, but informative.
I utilized the conventions by making the beginning of the podcast interesting and entertaining. It has light music and sound effects when talking about the street part, which follows the audio conventions. I think this helps keep my project on par with the genre conventions, which makes it easier to listen to.

How did production go?

I personally thought this part of my project was the hardest to do, just because I involved so many different sound effects and editing. It was hard to keep my time balanced. I wasn't working as much on the actual content as I was the presentation of it. I was having fun though, so I enjoyed doing this portion of the project.


Project 2 Production Schedule

I've begun work on project 2, my podcast, so it seems about time to make a production schedule for what I'm going to do. It'll be in this here blog post.

Production Schedule:

To Do
With What
Actually Finished
record Opening
My house
-Voice recorder

record description of the sources
my house
-Voice recorder

record analysis of rhetorical strategies
my house
-Voice recorder

find background music and edit it in
my house
-Voice recorder

add sound from pink panther
my house
-Voice recorder

add sound effects
my house

Editing editing editing
my house