Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection on Local Revision Process

So we're done. Yay. I think. But either way, project 3 is submitted in the dropbox. We'll see how that goes... Regardless, I'm going to reflect on how the local revision process went this week.

What were my successes?

So I'll be honest, the successes this week were few and far between. Not the brightest point in my life. But I got it turned in, so that counts as a success, right? I just wish I was more proud of it. I am proud of the points I got across, I just feel like I could've done so much better.

What were my challenges?

so..this week my main challenge was time management. I didn't handle the production schedule very well, so that wasn't very fun. I cheated myself of valuable time that I could've used to edit my project. I also struggled with actually going through with putting in a personal experience or not. I was going back and forth all week about the genre conventions, and I still haven't decided if it would've been ok to put in a personal experience.

How do I think next week will go?

I hope next week goes better, but I'm not hopeful. I have two tests next week that I have to study for, so I don't think I'm going to have much time to work on English. On the other hand, this week kinda humbled me. I thought I was going to do better with time management and I didn't.....Like at all. And it broke my heart. I've basically been beat up mercilessly all semester with how much I suck as a student as a person. But I'm ready to move past that. I want to be proud of who I am, and that can't start until I make changes. So next week will be better. I'm determined.

How do I feel about the project?

I'm very conflicted about the project, to be honest. I love some things about it, and I loved writing most portions of it. The connection between my points excited me. On the other hand, I really should've spent more time editing it. I was woefully underproductive, and that needs to change. So I'm worried about this project. I am super happy about the last project though. I just got my grade back and it was way higher than I was expecting. So who knows? I could've kicked butt on this one too. I doubt it, but I'm trying to be optimistic;)

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