Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

Now that I've decided what to do my project on, and I've been researching it, I've decided which genre to create my project in.

So which one did I pick?

I have decided to do this project as my Quick Reference Guide. I've chosen to use this format for a few reasons. First of which, I am very invested in the topic emotionally, and in order to seem less biased I have to use a writing format. If I were to do a video or a podcast, the audience would be able to judge by my voice or my face how I feel about the subject. (I'm a good actress, but I'm not that good.) I also decided not to go with the essay because I feel like the many facts involved with presenting this project could easily be laid out in the format of a Quick Reference Guide.

Which conventions are going to be worked on?

Well, since a QRG involves a written set of facts with subheadings, descriptions, and visuals, I will work this week on assembling my information into a cohesive document. It has to flow, quite possibly using questions in between sections, and I need to work on blending all my information into one piece. I'm hoping by using this outline and making sure I sound professional, I will be able to avoid any type of bias leaking out. I just need to be more organized than I naturally am.

How am I Feeling About it?
Honestly? I'm scared out of my freaking mind. I am interested in the topic, but I still feel like I have so much information and verification to find. Which shouldn't be the case at this point. This class is kicking my butt, and I need to be better at being on top of things. On  one hand, I am glad I chose to do the QRG for this project because it's the first one and I want to get the hang of things before I attempt anything huge like the movie or the podcast. I would rather have my feet under me. I just hope I can make sure I get all the information into my project without including any of my personal feelings. Objectivity is the goal..

340357 "Cliff" 10/6/2014 via Pixabay. Public Domain Licensing.

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