Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Mariana Chacon

Now that we've done the rough drafts of our projects, we can review our colleagues' work and leave suggestions on them. I've done so and will be talking about the review I did.

What did I review, and what did I review it on?

I reviewed Mariana Chacon's podcast. The activity I chose to complete while reviewing Mariana's work was a suggestion about the form of her project. I talked about how creatively she presented her content.

How do I think I helped?

I hope I helped give Mariana a perspective from the audience of how her project is being perceived. I think I helped her at least to see where she could use some variety to make her project more interesting. She can now make something more enjoyable for the audience.

What did I incorporate and how did I incorporate it?
I went the Rules for Writers book (that we had to get at the beginning of the semester but have only used like once -_-) and found chapter 15, which is on variety. It talks about changing up your sentences to create variety and interest. I felt Mariana could use this.

What about the project did I admire?

I greatly admired the background music that Mariana had playing during her podcast. I thought it made things slightly more entertaining. I told her so in the comment I left on her rough draft blog post. It was a good idea and led me to spicing up my podcast with different pieces of music and sound effects.

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