Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

We're supposed to creepily stalk the people we're interviewing at this point, right? No? well.....oops. I did. And I'm about to tell y'all about it. Because I looked at the difference between their professional presence on their published pieces and their presence on social media.....should be interesting...

Linda Norrix:

Ok....Dr. Norrix has practically left a nonexistent digital footprint outside of her published articles. She has a facebook account, but her last post was in 2012. It was her only post.. She's great though. I think it's funny how she doesn't have any other type of social media, but she works with electronic equipment all day long. It's hard to compare how she speaks over social media vs. how she speaks in her research articles. She's very proper and knowledgeable in her articles, and I don't know how she would compliment that because of her personality, but I would be interested to actually find something.

Carole Wymer:

Carole Wymer is a funny sort of lady. She doesn't seem to enjoy social media all that much, because the only thing she has an account on is facebook (well, that I found). She doesn't even use that very much. Her posts are few and far-between, and for the most part they aren't related to SLHS at all. She's just having fun posting pictures and random quotes. It's interesting how  she doesn't have anything online relating to her profession other than the informational videos I talked about in the last blog post.

Yoel Ben-Avraham "SocialMedialconCollage"  6/5/2009 via flickr. Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic licensing.

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